Prevent Acne Scarring: What You Can Do To Help

A pimple here and there can be a pain to have to deal with, but acne that can cover large portions of your face can really be difficult to have to deal with. This type of acne can start in your younger teenage years, but it can also affect you in your adult years as well. There are some things you can do to help deal with this acne and to prevent scarring. See below for some helpful tips.

Leave Your Face Alone

You may think that picking at whiteheads will help heal your acne faster, but it won't. Picking at your acne and pimples will only make it worse. You can spread the oils from your hands to your face, which can worsen your acne. You could also cause an infection, as these may become open sores. You may also be left with scarring after your acne begins to heal. Leave your face alone.

Change Your Eating Habits

Change your eating and drinking habits so that you are making healthier choices. Swap out unhealthy drinks such as soda or sugary juices with water. Water will help hydrate your skin and can also clear your pores. Also skip out on candy or greasy foods and opt for fresh fruits and vegetables instead. Changing your eating habits will show in your skin, as you will have clearer pores, tighter skin and a brighter, more evened-out skin tone. 

Deal With Stress

Stress can be a big factor for acne. If you have a lot of stress at work or at home, it can show up in your skin. Try to do things that help relieve your stress, such as exercising, taking a warm bath, reading a book, or doing something else that you love. Whatever you are stressing out about, if you can't avoid the stress, deal with it by doing something else to balance out the stress.

Exercise More

Exercise can make you sweat and sweating will help clear out your pores. Hit the treadmill, go for a run outside, or go to the gym. Exercise can clear your skin and can help you in other ways as well; it can help you sleep better, alleviate stress, and keep your entire body healthy.

Get Some ZZZZs

Be sure to get enough sleep each and every night. If you aren't sleeping enough or are sleeping too much, it may begin to affect your skin and your overall health. Go to sleep at a decent hour at night and wake up early in the morning. You should get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep as an adult, although younger adults or teenagers need more sleep. 

If you have acne that isn't clearing up, you should seek help from a dermatologist, as it could be medically related. For more information, check out a site such as

About Me

Learning To Take Care Of Your Skin

When I was a teenager, I had terrible skin. In addition to worrying about dry skin, I also had more pimples than I could even count. In addition to being painful and embarrassing, it seemed like the problem drug on and on for years. Finally, a close family friend offered some suggestions about how to take care of my skin, and it really helped me. She taught me how to exfoliate and cleanse my skin without damaging the underlying tissue, which helped to alleviate the problem. My blog is all about skin care, so that you don't have to suffer with acne like I did.